5 minute Tutorial - 0.9.6 |RTTR
5 minute Tutorial

This shortcut tutorial will show you all basic information to use RTTR.

Class declaration

Suppose you have a class called node which you want to introspect with RTTR.

// node.h
#include <rttr/type>
namespace ns_3d
class node
node(std::string name, node* parent = nullptr);
virtual ~node();
void set_name(const std::string& name);
const std::string& get_name() const;
std::vector<node*> get_children() const;
void set_visible(bool visible, bool cascade = true);
virtual void render();
node* m_parent;
std::string m_name;
std::vector<node*> m_children;

The standard include file of rttr is: <rttr/type>
Remark the two added macros: RTTR_ENABLE() and RTTR_REGISTRATION_FRIEND. They are optional.
However, when you use class hierarchies you should add to every class: RTTR_ENABLE().
When you want to reflect private data of a class, add: RTTR_REGISTRATION_FRIEND.


Now comes the registration part, this is usually done in the corresponding source file.

// node.cpp
#include <rttr/registration>
using namespace rttr;
using namespace ns_3d;
policy::ctor::as_std_shared_ptr, // should create an instance of the class as shared_ptr<ns_3d::node>
default_arguments(nullptr) // second argument is optional, so we provide the default value for it
.property("name", &node::get_name, &node::set_name)
metadata("TOOL_TIP", "Set the name of node.") // stores metadata associated with this property
// register directly a member object pointer; mark it as 'private'
.property("parent", &ns_3d::node::m_parent, registration::private_access)
.property_readonly("children", &node::get_children) // a read-only property; so not set possible
.method("set_visible", &node::set_visible)
default_arguments(true), // the default value for 'cascade'
parameter_names("visible", "cascade") // provide the names of the parameter; optional, but might be useful for clients
.method("render", &node::render)

The standard include file for registration types in rttr is: <rttr/registration>
Include this file only when you want to register something. The registration class is here the entry point. This registration process creates internally wrapper classes, which store for example function pointers or object pointers of the specific class. For these pointers you have to provide the data manually.

Yeah, and that's it. Now you can use RTTR to retrieve this information.

Basic usage

#include <rttr/type>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
using namespace rttr;
type t = type::get_by_name("ns_3d::node");
// will create an instance of ns_3d::node as std::shared_ptr<ns_3d::node>
variant var = t.create({std::string("MyNode")});
std::cout << var.get_type().get_name() << "\n";
// sets/gets a property
property prop = t.get_property("name");
// remark: you can also set a member, although the instance is of type: 'std::shared_ptr<T>'
prop.set_value(var, std::string("A New Name"));
std::cout << prop.get_value(var).to_string() << "\n";
// retrieve the stored meta data of the property
std::cout << "MetaData TOOL_TIP: " << prop.get_metadata("TOOL_TIP").to_string() << "\n";
// invoke a method
method meth = t.get_method("set_visible");
// remark: the 2nd argument will be provided automatically, because it has a default argument
variant ret = meth.invoke(var, true);
// a valid return value indicates a successful invoke
std::cout << std::boolalpha << "invoke of method 'set_visible' was successfully: " << ret.is_valid() << "\n\n";
// retrieve all properties
std::cout << "'node' properties:" << "\n";
for (auto& prop : t.get_properties())
std::cout << " name: " << prop.get_name() << "\n";
std::cout << " type: " << prop.get_type().get_name() << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
// retrieve all methods
std::cout << "'node' methods:" << "\n";
for (auto& meth : t.get_methods())
std::cout << " name: " << meth.get_name();
std::cout << " signature: " << meth.get_signature() << "\n";
for (auto& info : meth.get_parameter_infos())
std::cout << " param " << info.get_index() << ": name: "<< info.get_name() << "\n";
return 0;

Remark, that there is actual no include of node.h. See the output below:


class std::shared_ptr<class ns_3d::node>
A New Name
MetaData TOOL_TIP: Set the name of node.
invoke of method 'set_visible' was successfully: true

'node' properties:
  name: name
    type: std::string
  name: parent
    type: ns_3d::node*
  name: children
    type: class std::vector<class ns_3d::node *,class std::allocator<class ns_3d::node *> >

'node' methods:
  name: set_visible  signature: set_visible( bool, bool )
    param 0: name: visible
    param 1: name: cascade
  name: render  signature: render( )

Derived classes

Suppose you create now from node a derived class called mesh.

// mesh.h
#include <rttr/type>
class mesh : public node
static std::shared_ptr<mesh> create_mesh(std::string file_name);
virtual void render();
enum class render_mode
void set_render_mode(render_mode mode);
render_mode get_render_mode() const;
mesh(std::string name, node* parent = nullptr);
RTTR_ENABLE(node) // include the names of all direct base classes

Now you put in RTTR_ENABLE() the name of the base class, in this case: node.

Registration part

// mesh.cpp
using namespace ns_3d;
using namespace rttr;
.property("render_mode", &mesh::get_render_mode, &mesh::set_render_mode)
value("POINTS", mesh::render_mode::POINTS),
value("WIREFRAME", mesh::render_mode::WIREFRAME),
value("SOLID", mesh::render_mode::SOLID)

Remark that it is not necessary to register again the render() method.

Basic Usage

#include <rttr/type>
#include <iostream>
#include "mesh.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::shared_ptr<ns_3d::node> obj = ns_3d::mesh::create_mesh("House.obj");
std::cout << type::get(obj).get_name() << "\n"; // prints 'std::shared_ptr<ns_3d::node>'
std::cout << type::get(obj).get_wrapped_type().get_name() << "\n"; // prints 'ns_3d::node*'
std::cout << type::get(*obj.get()).get_name() << "\n"; // prints 'ns_3d::mesh'
// for glvalue expressions the most derived type is returned, in this case: 'ns_3d::mesh'; like typeid()
type t = type::get(*obj.get());
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "'mesh' properties:" << "\n";
for (auto& prop : t.get_properties())
std::cout << " name: " << prop.get_name() << "\n";
std::cout << " type: " << prop.get_type().get_name() << "\n";
property prop = t.get_property("render_mode");
// set the property of the derived type, although we hold only a shared_ptr of the base class
bool ret = prop.set_value(obj, ns_3d::mesh::render_mode::SOLID); // yields to 'true'; when set was possible
std::cout << "\n";
method meth = t.get_method("render");
std::cout << meth.get_declaring_type(). get_name() << "\n"; // prints 'ns_3d::node'
std::shared_ptr<ns_3d::mesh> obj_derived = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ns_3d::mesh>(obj);
// invoke the method, although we have the most derived type now
variant var = meth.invoke(obj_derived);
std::cout << std::boolalpha << "invoke of method 'render' was successfully: " << var.is_valid() << "\n";

See the output below:


class std::shared_ptr<class ns_3d::node>

'mesh' properties:
  name: name
    type: std::string
  name: parent
    type: ns_3d::node*
  name: children
    type: class std::vector<class ns_3d::node *,class std::allocator<class ns_3d::node *> >
  name: render_mode
    type: ns_3d::render_mode

invoke of method 'render' was successfully: true

That's it.

However, in order to see all the possibilities of RTTR, it is recommend to go through the in-depth tutorial: Start Tutorial