Register Plugins - 0.9.7 |RTTR
Register Plugins

RTTR has build in support to register your types into shared libraries, which can be loaded and unloaded at runtime. Furthermore, it has a simple wrapper class called library which wraps the platform dependent calls to load the library.

See following example:

#include <rttr/registration>
struct MyPluginClass
void perform_calculation()
value += 12;
void perform_calculation(int new_value)
value += new_value;
int value = 0;
RTTR_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION // remark the different registration macro!
.method("perform_calculation", rttr::select_overload<void(void)>(&MyPluginClass::perform_calculation))
.method("perform_calculation", rttr::select_overload<void(int)>(&MyPluginClass::perform_calculation))

In order to register your types inside a plugin, you have to use the macro RTTR_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION. Then the containing code will be executed every time you load the library and it makes sure to unregister yours types, when your library will be unloaded.

Now the following code will load the plugin into your application:

#include <rttr/type>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
using namespace rttr;
// no suffix is needed, RTTR will automatically append the platform specific file suffix
library lib("MyPlugin");
if (!lib.load())
std::cerr << lib.get_error_string() << std::endl;
return -1;
// print all classes contained in the library
for (auto t : lib.get_types()) // returns all registered types from this library
if (t.is_class() && !t.is_wrapper())
std::cout << t.get_name() << std::endl;
// we cannot use the actual type, to get the type information,
// thus we use string to retrieve it
auto t = type::get_by_name("MyPluginClass");
// iterate over all methods of the class
for (auto meth : t.get_methods())
std::cout << meth.get_signature() << std::endl;
// work with the new type
auto var = t.create();
t.invoke("perform_calculation", var, {});
std::cout << t.get_property_value("value", var).to_int() << std::endl; // prints "12"
return 0;


perform_calculation( )
perform_calculation( int )
When you compile your plugin with the gcc toolchain, make sure you use the compiler option: -fno-gnu-unique. otherwise the unregistration will not work properly.


  • Using plugins you can work with types without having access to the concrete type itself
  • You don't have to explicit export (e.g. using __declspec( dllexport )) your types in the shared library
  • You can export classes, without a generic abstract interface
  • You can export overloaded methods (not possible in C)
  • With all this functionality, it is easily possible to implement hot-reload of shared libraries. You could serialize your object into JSON-Format, unload the library, load the new version and deserialize it again.
  • Remarks
    Make sure you throw away all retrieved items (types, properties, methods etc...) of the loaded library when unloading. Otherwise UB may occur. (e.g. Invoking a method of an unloaded library is not possible) When you want to create dynamic plugins with RTTR, make sure you link dynamically against the host application and the plugin, otherwise you will get UB. Also see /src/examples/library_loading for example of hot reloading.